Chiropractic and Bursitis

Chiro shoulder-bursitisBursitis is the inflammation of a bursa. A bursa is a fluid filled sac that is located in certain areas of the body that experiences rubbing or friction between two structures, usually between a tendon and bone, or muscle and bone. The bursa sits between these two structures and acts as a cushion to reduce any rubbing, friction or irritation.

Bursitis is commonly caused by injury or repetitive movement, with the most common areas affected being the shoulder, elbow, ankle, knee and hips. Common advice given by Doctors and Physios is rest and ice together with painkillers and anti-inflammatories.

Some people don’t realise that Chiropractic can also be a very effective treatment option. A bursa becomes inflamed because there is excessive rubbing of the tendon over the bursa. It is considered excessive because either it is happening more frequently (such as increasing the amount or intensity of running you do) or because there is more friction because the muscle and tendon is tighter or less elastic and therefore rubs harder over the bursa. So certainly it may be necessary to reduce the amount of training, but if it is due to a tightness of the tendon, then by improving biomechanics and the balance of the muscles and tendons across the joint will help reduce the bursitis. This is exactly what Chiropractic does. By balancing the body it improves and normalises biomechanics which results in releasing the muscle. When the muscle is released it reduces the tension on the tendon and so reduces the friction on the bursa. This will improve the bursitis, and also the chance of it returning when you return to training.