
Chiropractics role in fertility.

Pregnancy-chiropracticMost people think of seeing a Chiropractor for body pains and headaches, but Chiropractic care does have an impact on the whole body, including organ systems. In that way it does have a small role in helping with infertility, but is best used as an adjunct to other treatments such as Acupuncture or Naturopathy.

The principle of Chiropractic is to balance the physical body and allow it to function as it is designed to. This will in turn reduce any tension in the muscles, and pressure on the joints and spinal discs, and hence reduce pain. It also has the effect of reducing any pressure on the nerves. If the nervous system is free of pressure it is also able to function as normally as possible, hence the body’s organ systems will receive the optimal nerve supply and hence function optimally also. In this way Chiropractic can have an impact on systems including digestion, circulation and fertility.

The nerves that originate from the lumbar and sacral spine, ie the lower back and pelvis, supply the reproductive system, so if there is some imbalance to these structures there may be interference to how well the reproductive system works and hence possibly affect fertility.

Another way a Chiropractor may help when it comes to fertility, is with the Neuro Emotional Technique (NET), described in our June newsletter. Sometimes we can have fears that hold us back in life, and these fears and emotions can be strong enough to affect our body and how well it functions. When it comes to fertility, pregnancy and parenthood, there are many emotions that can come up, and potentially impact on our fertility (either by increasing stress levels or by affecting hormone levels). These can include fear of being pregnant or the birth, or self esteem issues around being a good parent. Commonly it can also bring up concerns of how a baby will impact your career, social life, relationship with your partner to name just a few. NET can be a great tool to allow you to be free those emotional blocks and hence function more optimally.

Once you fall pregnant, then Chiropractic can be of a great benefit in reducing any discomfort that can come about due to all the changes your body will be going through. See next month newsletter article, Chiropractic and Pregnancy.


What is Neuro Emotional Technique?

NET FormulaNeuro Emotional Technique or NET is a simple mind-body stress reduction intervention aimed at improving behavioral and physical problems, such as in chronic injuries, subluxations, pain, worry, anxiety, depression, etc. It was developed by an american Chiropractor, who like all Chiropractors would regularly see patients where chiropractic adjustments aren’t enough to help them with chronic pain, while also understanding that stress changes our physiology and affects our structure, and hence can lead to musculoskeletal problems.

Its common for a memory to elicit a physiological response in us, such as the example where simply thinking of a food we really enjoy can make us salivate. That occurs more strongly when the memory has some stress associated with it. This physiological response is known as ‘conditioning’, and the stronger the emotion, the stronger the conditioning. Over time this conditioned response will lessen and eventually subside, and this is the normal process of ‘extinction’. Although, if at the time of conditioning the body is not in a balanced state then the process of extinction does not take place. This results in an aberrant response to future similar stimulus. A response that once was appropriate is now unnecessary and even excessive.

An example is someone who almost drowned will be fearful of water initially. They will commonly experience some of the same physiological responses they did at the time of the near drowning, such as heart racing, pupils dilating, sweaty palms etc., when they are in water or even think of being in water. For most people this reaction subsides, but for a few they continue to have this response, which is no longer necessary or appropriate. This can become a problem as it impacts negatively on their life. This lack of extinction can also be a problem in relatively minor day-to-day experiences such as public speaking, confrontations, interviews, flying etc. The impact of this may be very obvious in day to day life, such as the two examples given, but commonly it impacts on us in less obvious ways, and results in chronic pains or illnesses.

NET is a treatment that allows your body to go through that natural process of extinction (which it has failed to do) and hence reduce any of those inappropriate physiological reactions. NET differs from counseling, as it doesn’t involve talking it out, it is a tool that removes any blocks to the bodys natural healing ability and as such allows the body to heal itself more effectively. It can be used in the course of a chiropractic treatment to assist the structural correction, or it can be utilised as the sole treatment in a session to work on specific emotional reactions or blockages that the patient wants to address.


Stress and your body, part 1.

stress ballStress is a term commonly used everyday, it is usually considered a negative concept that has some impact on one’s mental or physical wellbeing, but it can be either the cause or the effect.

In nature most processes strive to maintain equilibrium, a steady state of balance, this includes our body on a physical level (our bones and muscles) as well as a physiological level (our organ systems). Environmental factors, internal or external stimuli, continually disrupt this balance, and these factors can be interpreted as stress.

As a chiropractor I am constantly dealing with and correcting the effects of physical stress. These physical stresses include falls and bumps, lifting or carrying heavy loads, prolonged periods of time in poor chairs, unsupportive mattresses or bad shoes, sustained posture, repetitive work or changes in our body for which it must compensate such as pregnancy or a broken bone in the foot, or knee surgery. On a physical level it is often clear to see how these stresses impact us and our wellbeing.

What is not always easy to see is how Emotional stresses impact our body and our wellbeing. I estimate that close to 75% of problems I see in clinic are due either directly or indirectly to emotional stress, but when I say that, people often can’t understand how emotional stress can affect us physically. It can be easier to understand when you consider situations of extreme stress, such as if your life were in danger.

In such a situation you would be feeling alot of emotions such as fear and panic, but your body would also be reacting, in a way that is known as a fight or flight reaction. This means that your body is getting prepared to fight or to flee. There are several things that happen but probably the most obvious sign would be that your heart would begin racing, this would result in you sweating, your body will produce adrenaline,which would make you feel buzzy or nervy. Your pupils will dilate, your blood will be directed to areas of your body that are important for fighting or fleeing (such as your muscles, your lungs and your brain) and away from areas that are not needed for the moment (such as your digestive organs). So you can see that emotions go hand in hand with physical changes.

Thankfully, it is not that common for us to be in a situation that is life threatening, but our modern lifestyles do entail alot of stress, and our bodies are constantly reacting to this stress in many ways, at a low level. These reactions will impact on our bodies in a physical way. Stress and your Body Part 2 will detail signs and symptoms your body may show in response to common low level daily stresses.


A Knotty Problem

Health In The Bay Knot

It is likely that most individuals have at some point in time experienced sensations of pain and discomfort caused by “knots”, also known as Trigger Points. These are painful areas in the muscles that cause pain to refer into other parts of the body, as well as create symptoms of weakness and fatigue.

A Trigger Point is the body’s response to a physical, emotional or chemical disturbance where the muscle becomes contracted or over-lengthened for extended periods of time preventing it from returning to its rest position. This then restricts the movement of the muscle and decreases circulation. The muscle then becomes deprived of nutrients and oxygen, which results in a collection of metabolic waste.

The most common causes of Trigger Points are poor posture, structural imbalances, repetitive activity and overuse, emotional factors, and direct trauma or injury. These points can occur in any muscles of the body, but are most commonly found in the neck and upper back. Trigger points can themselves bring about a variety of issues, such as tension headaches, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), jaw pain, lower back pain and carpal tunnel syndrome.

Trigger Points can be effectively treated with massage therapy where direct pressure is applied to the area in question. Upon compression, the Trigger Point will often reproduce the individual’s pain pattern. As the muscle relaxes, the pain and discomfort should then diminish.

Self care is also important to help prevent the re-occurrence of Trigger Points. This can include using a heat pack when muscles are tense or painful, having hot baths after treatment, keeping well hydrated, and carrying out simple stretch and range of motion exercises. Your massage therapist will be able to assist you with such exercises, and is also there to answer any questions or concerns that you may have.