Children’s Health
/in Nutritional Medicine /by AndrewNaturopathy works very well with children’s ailments, as it is gentle and effective, with few side effects. In fact Naturopathic care can start as early as preconception, to ensure optimum health of Mum and Dad prior to conceiving, throughout the 9 months of pregnancy, and of course breastfeeding.
Some dietary tips for encouraging healthy children are as follows;
- Ensure your children are eating a healthy breakfast every day as the brain needs fuel to work efficiently. This will be giving your child the best start to a good day, and ensure optimum learning and concentration
- Ensure there is protein with each meal as proteins are essential for growth, repair and maintenance of all body tissues. They act as building blocks for hormones, antibodies, immune compounds, enzymes and neurotransmitters. Examples are meat, chicken, seafood, nuts, seeds and pulses.
- Adequate fibre is essential for digestive health, cleaning the digestive tract, lowering risk for many diseases, binding toxins and removing them from the body. Fibre is found in fresh fruit and vegetables, legumes, whole grains and cereals.
- Vitamins and Minerals – there are water-soluble (vitamin B’s and C) and fat soluble (vitamins A, D, E, K), it’s important to include healthy fats in the diet to ensure fat-soluble vitamins are being absorbed. Most of these nutrients can be found in a healthful diet of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates
- Essential Fatty Acids (EFA) – the body does not make it’s own EFA’s, so these must be obtained through diet. They are important for many functions in the body such as a healthy immune system, reducing cholesterol levels, reducing inflammation, building hormones and promoting a healthy nervous system and brain function. Examples of these foods are cold-water fish, dried legumes and raw nuts and seeds.
- Probiotic foods such as yoghurt, fermented vegetables and miso. These foods are also an important part of your child’s diet as they have been proven to be beneficial for the immune system, as well as so many other illnesses as a healthy gut is an important factor for long term health.
Naturopathy can help with many conditions that affect children such as asthma, colds and flu, constipation, recurrent ear infections, eczema, hyperactivity, impetigo, sleeplessness, insomnia and many more. Treatment is very individualised based on the symptoms that the child is presenting with. Your Naturopath will help guide you through making the necessary dietary changes, as well as supplementing with herbs or nutrients if needed to get a result faster. If you’re not sure, get in touch to see if we can help!
Silent Inflammation
/in Nutritional Medicine /by AndrewIs your diet pro-inflammatory?
The stress factor.
Calming down inflammation.
Anti-inflammatory foods to include:
- Oily fish, such as salmon, sardines and mackerel
- Ground flaxseed and its oil
- Berries
- Dark green leafy vegetables
- Extra virgin olive oil
- Garlic, onions, turmeric and ginger
- Raw nuts and seeds
- Green tea
Foods to limit:
- Sugar, sugary foods and drinks
- Refined grains (white bread, white pasta and white rice)
- Processed foods
- Trans fats
- Animal products especially red meat and dairy
- Potatoes
- Corn, safflower and peanut cooking oils
Reducing Stress
- Set boundaries with work, family and relationships
- Exercise – any way you can and any way you like
- Try yoga, Tai Chi or meditation practices
- Spend time in nature
- Turn of all technology (including computers, smart phones and even the television) by 9.30pm every night
- Reduce intake of caffeinated beverages
/in Chiropractic /by Andrew