The Musculoskeletal System consists of bones, muscles, joints and ligaments and tendons that make up the body and allow it to be upright and to have movement. The skeleton is the framework of the body. Of this, the spine is made of 24 movable bones, 23 discs and has attachments for 12 sets of ribs and hundreds of ligaments and muscles. It supports and protects the spinal cord, and allows 31 pairs of nerves to pass from the spinal cord through small openings to muscles, organs, bones and skin.
The Nervous System consists of the Central Nervous System and the Peripheral Nervous System. The Central system consists of the brain and the spinal cord. The Peripheral Nervous System consists of all the nerves that are running through our body, from the point where they branch off the spinal cord to the target structure ie muscle, organ, bone or skin. The Central Nervous System has control over the whole body by sending and receiving signals via use of the Peripheral system.
The Nervous System controls absolutely every cell and system in the body. This means literally every muscle, every organ, every function the body has. Therefore if there is anything that impedes the function of any part of the Nervous system, the target tissue will be compromised. The opposite is also true, having a nervous system that functions optimally will result in a body that functions optimally.
As mentioned the Central Nervous system is housed and protected by the spine, with all the bodys nerves branching off the spinal cord and exiting the spine through small openings between the vertabrae. Due to this close proximity of these structures, it is easy to see how any imbalance in the spine or change in how well it moves or imbalances in the muscles around the area, can result in some impeding pressure or force on the nerve, thereby affecting its function and hence the function of the target structure. So by having a well balanced musculoskeletal system results in minimising any impeding pressure or force on the nervous system, thus allowing it to function optimally and so increasing the potential for optimal health. 00:13:472016-06-25 11:52:12The Musculoskeletal System and its Importance to our Health
Our Musculoskeletal system (ie our muscles and skeleton) is what allows us to stand, be upright and move. Musculoskeletal symptoms are what we often feel as pain in muscles and joints, and as stiffness. Through everyday stress on our bodies, such as poor posture, sustained work postures, minor bumps and falls and strains, our musculoskeletal system can become unbalanced. This means that the relationship between the muscle and skeleton is not ideal, and this system then does not work efficiently or ergonomically, resulting in these symptoms of pain and mucsle spasms.
Chiropractic is the art and science of determining where these imbalances lie, where they have originated and why they have occurred. Then with the use of simple techniques applied to the muscles or joints, the body is able to rebalance and so function more normally and therefore function without any pain or muscle tightness. 01:36:202016-06-25 08:23:07How does chiropractic work?