Acupuncture is a very targeted treatment for pain relief and rehab. Our central nervous system has a pain modulation system, which can be used to inhibit the transmission of the sensation of pain to our brain. During Acupuncture treatments when needles are inserted into the body, a signal is sent to and activates the body’s own pain control system. A number of different hormonal substances such as endorphins, serotonin and acetylcholine are increased in secretion. The release of these hormones into the body produces significant pain relief.
Pain is a signal from our body that there is a problem. It can also be considered as a signal for help. The efficacy of acupuncture treatment involves not only temporary pain relief, but also the improvement of blood circulation and achieving overall balance of your physical condition.
Acupuncture and low back pain.
Low back pain is a very common complaint and it usually responds well to Acupuncture. Ann and Victor are very experienced in treating low back pain and find that an individualised program of acupuncture has the best results for this condition. What benefits one person with low back pain may be quite different from what works for another.
What happens in a treatment?
Ann and Victor use various styles of Acupuncture to reduce the pain and get you back to your normal life as quickly as possible. Gentle techniques are available for those who are sensitive to needles. Often the needles are warmed with moxibustion (a warming herb) to really unravel the knots in the underlying tissues. Most people find the treatments extremely relaxing – the feeling is similar to having a good massage. The points selected and Acupuncture techniques depend on your constitution (the pattern you best fit based on your symptoms and on information gathered from carefully palpating the body and on examination of your pulse and tongue). It’s important to work on the whole-body imbalance underlying the problem, as well as the symptoms.
How long will it take to work?
Recent-onset back pain responds more quickly than pain that has been present for months or years. We generally see a response within 4-6 treatments, with further treatments consolidating this. The best frequency of treatment is weekly (or sometimes twice-weekly for severe, acute back strain) for the first few, reducing to every 2 weeks and then every month as the condition improves. This is a guide, but the frequency of treatments will be tailored to the patients individual needs.
Ann McCarthy
Ann is a licensed Acupuncturist with clinical experience assisting with a wide variety of symptoms including pain, stress and symptoms associated with pregnancy. More.
Acupuncture is the practice of inserting tiny needles at specific points on the body to treat illness or promote health and well-being. Oriental medical theory describes a network of energy pathways in the body (meridians) that can be accessed on the surface at the Acupuncture points. The points to be used in a session are chosen by the practitioner based on traditional theories outlined in texts that are at least 2000 years old. More…
Ann is available:
- Georges Heights, Mosman
- Tuesday 9:30am – 6:00pm
- Thursday 9:30am – 7:00pm
Ann McCarthy
- First appt – $140
- Standard appt – $90
Rebates are available for most services at Health In The Bay. See our Rebates page for more information.