
Chiropractic and Medicare

MCAs you are most likely aware, Chiropractic can be calmed under Private health insurance, but you may not be aware of a Medicare service that has been available since 2004. The Medicare Allied health initiative provides for Medicare benefits to be paid for allied health and dental care services provided to people with chronic conditions and complex care needs. They will allow for up to five visits under this initiative.

Under the initiative, people with chronic conditions and complex care needs firstly need to be managed by their GP who would set up a Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) plan. This care plan can include 1 or more allied health professionals to assist in the treatment plan. These can include Chiropractic, Physiotherapy, Exercise Physiology, Occupational Therapy, Mental health services, Psychology, Speech Pathology and Dental. Medicare will pay a large percentage

If you would like Chiropractic care and this is something that you may be eligible for, all you need to do is speak to your GP, who will set up an EPC, which includes myself as your Chiropractor. Your GP will give you a copy of this EPC with a referral to me, which you need to bring to your next Chiropractic consultation. I will sign it to agree to the care plan and send it back to your GP. For the next 6 visits, you pay your invoice as per usual, then take your receipt to Medicare to claim. Medicare will cover the majority of the bill.