
Tips for staying well this Winter

naturopathy cold fluIt’s always a sad time of year for me when the days start to get shorter and colder! It can also be a difficult time with people that are prone to cold and flu symptoms such as coughs, sore throats, headaches, sneezing and blocked noses, and muscular aches.

If you or your family dread this time of year as you seem to be afflicted with illness, it might be a good time to reassess your diet and lifestyle, and possibly go that step further and see a qualified Naturopath to help you whilst coming in to those colder months.


Include these to help boost your Immune System.

  • Zinc – this mineral is found in most protein containing foods, eg chicken, beef, fish, nuts, seeds (pumpkin seeds are an excellent source). Zinc deficiency can be one of many reasons for repetitive illness, poor wound healing, skin disorders and white spots on your nails. Zinc and Copper are competing minerals, so if one is low then the other may be high, which can then drive the deficiency down further. Another problem can be low stomach acid, which means you are not breaking down proteins efficiently and therefore not absorbing the zinc.
  • Vitamin C – this vitamin is important in preventing illness as well as speeding up recovery times, as it increases the activity of infection fighting white blood cells. Good sources of vitamin C are berries, oranges, kiwifruit, guava, tomatoes, capsicum, dark green leafy vegetables and broccoli.
  • Mushrooms – are also an excellent food source for improving the function the immune system, the best varieties are shiitake, maitake and reishi so add as many of these as possible.
  • Add lots of ginger, garlic and onion to your diet – they have great pathogen fighting properties and are very beneficial to the immune system.
  • Probiotic foods – such as yoghurt (if tolerated), miso, sauerkraut and other fermented vegetables. A big part of the immune system is in the gut, so ensuring sufficient good bacteria is another way to maximise your immune function.
  • Get outside more – part of the problem with the colder months is that we stay inside to keep warm. By doing this we are missing out on the benefits of sunshine and fresh air, and allowing exposure to harmful pathogens that others in the room may have.


Avoid these if you are prone to infections.

Sugar – it is very important to minimise or eliminate sugar from your diet, as it reduces the capacity of your white blood cells to engulf invading pathogens. This effect has been proven to last for up to 5 hours after eating a high sugar food.

Mucus forming foods – especially if you are prone to congestion and phlegm, the foods to avoid are mostly dairy, sugar and refined foods.


Avoiding illness this winter.

The best thing you can do is to prevent infection. However if you have made all of the mentioned changes to your diet and lifestyle and are still getting sick, it may be time to see a Naturopath that can investigate further and prescribe a herbal remedy and/or appropriate supplementation.


Silent Inflammation

Health In The Bay Thumb

Imagine that you have slammed your finger in a door. The pain will be rapidly followed by reddening, swelling and heating up of the affected area. This kind of inflammation, whilst infuriating, is actually a good thing. Your immune system is responding to the trauma by sending white blood cells and other hormone-like substances to your finger to heal it.
But there’s another kind of inflammation, one that could be present throughout your cells and tissues, and it’s not so good. It would seem that more and more research is supporting the idea that this “silent inflammation” may be the cause of many degenerative diseases – especially obesity, heart disease and diabetes, as well as arthritis, dementia and even some cancers. Wrinkles and skin complaints can also blame this low-level of inflammation as a factor.
Inflammation is a normal and healthy part of the body’s healing system. It is the immune system attempting to nourish and defend the area under attack. It may happen on the surface of our body, and also internally such as at sites of infection or as an allergic response. The problem starts when inflammation refuses to go away. Inflammation is a powerful and sometimes destructive response, and it needs to end when its work is done.
The process of inflammation is caused by prostaglandins (a type of hormone) which work to either strengthen or diminish inflammation. When these hormones get out of balance, the inflammation process may start to malfunction. This imbalance can be caused by poor diet and stress.

Is your diet pro-inflammatory?

Our bodies manufacture prostaglandins from fatty acids in foods. Foods containing omega-6 fatty acids (such as those found in vegetable oils) encourage the production of pro-inflammatory prostaglandins. On the other hand, our body requires omega-3 fatty acids  – found in oily fish, flaxseeds and leafy vegetables – to produce anti-inflammatory prostaglandins.  Most of us are eating pro-inflammatory diets as we consume more omega-6 than omega-3 fatty acids.
Other foods that can contribute to inflammation include refined, carbohydrates such as white bread and white flour products, packaged breakfast cereals, white potatoes and white rice. A study at Harvard Medical School found that women who ate large quantities of these foods had high levels of CRP, a protein which is released during the inflammation process.
Furthermore, eating sugary foods and refined carbohydrates causes your blood sugar levels to soar and your body releases insulin which increases stored body fat and triggers the release of pro-inflammatory chemicals.

The stress factor.

No doubt you’ve already heard of the many conditions that stress can cause or exacerbate, and here is another reason to avoid stress. It plays havoc with our hormone balance by releasing adrenalin and cortisol, hormones which have a, you guessed it, inflammatory effect. These hormones are part of the fight-or-flight response – preparing our bodies to either fight off a primeval attack or run fast from it. Everyday stress also produces the overproduction of these hormones, leading to abnormal inflammation.

Calming down inflammation.

So, to counter inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and skin complaints, and to correct low-level silent inflammation, it all comes down to making positive dietary and lifestyle changes. By making these changes, you will notice you have more energy and better moods, and your digestion and skin will improve within a few months. You may have fewer aches and pains, will sleep better, and maybe even lose weight.
To read more about how the relationship between diet and inflammation, you may want to read Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill by Udo Erasmus, 8 Weeks to Optimum Health by Andrew Weil and The Optimum Nutrition Bible by Patrick Holford.

Health In The Bay Berries

Anti-inflammatory foods to include:

  • Oily fish, such as salmon, sardines and mackerel
  • Ground flaxseed and its oil
  • Berries
  • Dark green leafy vegetables
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Garlic, onions, turmeric and ginger
  • Raw nuts and seeds
  • Green tea

Foods to limit:

  • Sugar, sugary foods and drinks
  • Refined grains (white bread, white pasta and white rice)
  • Processed foods
  • Trans fats
  • Animal products especially red meat and dairy
  • Potatoes
  • Corn, safflower and peanut cooking oils


Some nutrients and herbs can provide additional support to calm inflammation. Fish oils, antioxidant formulas, vitamin B, zinc and magnesium can all help. Even certain strains of probiotics are powerful anti-inflammatories.
It is best to see a naturopath, herbalist or nutritionist to find out the most suitable herb and nutrient for your health needs, and to make sure that you receive a potent, practitioner-quality supplement.

Reducing Stress

  • Set boundaries with work, family and relationships
  • Exercise – any way you can and any way you like
  • Try yoga, Tai Chi or meditation practices
  • Spend time in nature
  • Turn of all technology (including computers, smart phones and even the television) by 9.30pm every night
  • Reduce intake of caffeinated beverages
Some herbs and nutrients can also be very effective in help the body balance the hormone response and cope better with stress. Again, it is important to consult a healthcare practitioner who is trained in the use of herbs and nutrients (such as a naturopath) to receive the right combination for you.