
Acupuncture and Pregnancy.

Acupuncture and Fertility.

Acupuncture – taking the fear out of a dentist’s visit or operation.

acupuncture dentistMost of us feel mildly uncomfortable, if not outright apprehensive, at the thought of a dental procedure or surgical operation. For example, surveys show that around one in five of us are very afraid of dentist visits. This fear can lead us to postpone dental treatment to the point where problems start to build up and we end up needing more work done than we might otherwise. Ouch…!

Poor dental health actually reduces our overall health too – it has been linked to heart disease and dementia – so this situation affects more than just our mouths.

Before operations, up to 70% of us feel anxious, and understandably so. But that anxiety can be counter-productive if it is severe or leads us to avoid procedures we really need.

What if there was a drug-free way to feel less anxious, more relaxed, more in control in these situations?

There is – Acupuncture. Two recent studies looked at the impact of Acupuncture on anxiety before operations and dentist visits.

The first looked at the effect of Acupuncture on surgical anxiety. The study was a “meta-analysis”, meaning that it reviewed all relevant and acceptable studies on this topic. It found that patients who had real Acupuncture just before their operation were significantly less anxious than those who had “sham” Acupuncture (where the researchers used points on the body that are not Acupuncture points or they did not actually insert a needle). One of the trials suggested that preoperative Acupuncture was just as effective as a commonly used anti-anxiety medication, although the number of people in that study was too small to be sure.

The second study looked at how Acupuncture affects anxiety at the dentists. In this trial, the researchers used Acupuncture on points on the ear, comparing real with sham Acupuncture. The volunteers had Acupuncture shortly before their dentist appointment. Real Acupuncture led to a significantly greater reduction in anxiety than did sham Acupuncture in patients waiting to see the dentist. In contrast, a control group who did not have any anxiety-relieving treatment became more anxious as they waited to be called by the dentist, as you might have experienced yourself!

The use of ear points in this study is interesting, as in practice, acupuncturists can retain tiny needles or small ball bearings (affixed to tape so they will not drop off) at these points. This means that the needles or balls are still in place when you go into the dentist’s so you can stimulate them yourself by pressing them to boost the calming effect.

So if you have been putting off that dentist visit or operation, do so no longer! Acupuncture just before the procedure (or if ear seeds are used, up to a few days before) could make it a much more relaxing experience. I would suggest a couple of sessions prior to the procedure so that the points can be individualised for you for maximum benefit.


Naturopathy and Mental Health

naturopathy mental healthWe live in a stressful and busy world. Once upon a time our bodies went into fight or flight when we were chasing the woolly mammoth or sabre tooth tiger, and then we could sit back and relax and enjoy our well earned meal. Now many of us are in a constant state of stress, which leaves cortisol and adrenalin levels high and therefore contributes to a host of other problems such as cardiovascular disease, reproductive difficulties, digestive complaints and poor immunity to name a few.

What you may not realise is that diet and lifestyle are a major contributing factor to stress, anxiety and depression. There are certain things that would be beneficial to cut out, and other things that would be very helpful to add, to help balance your some of your neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and serotonin.

Can Naturopathy help with those not wanting to take medication, or reacting poorly to it?

If you are looking for natural alternatives for anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications, then your naturopath may be able to help. We will conduct a thorough investigation into your health, with initial consultations going for approximately 1 hour. We will then devise a treatment plan with food as medicine, necessary lifestyle changes and appropriate nutritional and herbal supplementation.

Some of the conditions Naturopathy can help with

  • Insomnia and sleep disorders
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • PMS moodiness
  • Low energy and motivation

Naturopathy For Kids (1-18)

Health In The Bay Natuorpathy For KidsFirstly, what is Naturopathy?

Naturopathy is a generic term used to describe a philosophy of healing and wellness. It covers many different types of healing methods or modalities, some of which have been around for thousands of years.

It is an holistic approach that works with the natural healing properties of the body. This method requires a total health picture based on current symptoms, health/family history and life interactions (diet, stress, activity levels, environmental factors). Treatment is then a process which addresses the symptoms, stimulates the body’s healing mechanisms and recommends specific lifestyle changes to maintain health and wellness.


What Can Naturopathy Do For Your Child?

Josie believes Naturopathy has a lot to offer children (1-18yrs). Primarily it will help create and maintain good health and wellbeing by:

  • Focusing on the causes of your child’s condition while treating the symptoms.
  • Strengthening the immune system – helping them to better deal with everyday toxins/pollution. This also contributes to longevity.
  • Using treatments that are safe, non-invasive, with no side effects.
  • Educating you and your child about the components that contribute to good health.
  • Allowing your child to grow up with a sense of knowledge and responsibility for his/her own health.


Usual treatments used by our Naturopath with kids.

  • Naturopathy
  • Diet & Nutrition
  • Vitamins & Supplements


Natural medicine is safe, gentle and effective for a wide range of health conditions in children and adolescents. These conditions can be greatly improved by naturopathic treatment:

  • ADHD
  • Allergies
  • Anxiety
  • Appetite Loss
  • Asthma
  • Behaviour & Learning
  • Bronchitis
  • Colds & Flu
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhoea
  • Eczema
  • Obesity
  • Reflux
  • Skin Conditions
  • Sleeping Problems

Naturopathy is also about prevention. A regular visit with a Naturopath can help you to maintain the good health of your family by assessing lifestyle choices and ensuring they nourish your family’s physical, mental and emotional needs.



Health In The Bay Anxiety HandsRoughly 14% of Australian adults suffer from some form of anxiety that has become an anxiety disorder.

Does everyone have anxiety?

Anxiety is a necessary biological response to perceived or real threats from the environment. Having anxiety, to a degree, is both a necessary and healthy aspect of living. Everyone has anxiety to a degree.

When does anxiety become a problem?

Anxiety becomes a problem for people when the experience of anxiety continues well past the perceived threat or problem that caused it; when the anxiety you feel about a problem is disproportionately larger than the problem actually is; when the anxiety one experiences inhibits them from moving forward; where fears prevent people from doing what they need to do;

What is an Anxiety Disorders?

An anxiety disorder is a medical condition.

Anxiety disorders include generalised anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and phobias. Common to all of these is a level of anxiety that can, and does, interfere with a person’s ability to cope and function and this can completely interrupt their lives.


How do I know if anxiety has become a problem for me?

A person with an anxiety disorder will feel distressed and anxious a lot of the time, and often for no apparent reason. Some anxious episodes can be so severe they become immobilising.
Regardless of the type of disorder, the typical symptoms include….

  • Excessive, exaggerated or unrealistic worries (generalised anxiety disorder).
  • Compulsions and obsessions which they can’t control (obsessive compulsive disorder).
  • Intense excessive worry about being judged by others (social anxiety disorder).
  • Periods of intense apprehension, fear, terror or impending doom. These periods can occur suddenly (panic disorder).
  • An intense, irrational fear of everyday objects and situations (phobia).


What other symptoms can come from Anxiety?

  • Dizzy spells leading to panic.
  • Feeling overly jumpy and on edge.
  • Inability to relax or increased irritability.
  • Tightness in throat and chest- shortness of breath.
  • Feeling faint or shaky.
  • Racing heart with tingle sensations.
  • Fear of losing control or being rejected.
  • Hot flushes followed by waves of anxiety.
  • Tiring easily.
  • Obsessive worries and unwanted thoughts.
  • Not feeling connected to what is going on around you.
  • Stomach problems, nausea, diarrhoea.
  • Overwhelming fear that the anxiety can push you over the edge.

What causes anxiety disorders?

Physiological researchers suggest that an anxiety disorders is due to an in-balance within the chemistry of the brain. Behaviorists believe that anxiety disorders are a learnt response to stimuli. Branches of psychotherapy believe anxiety disorders stem from unresolved needs and issues, or repressed feelings or aspects of ones self. Attachment theories suggest that anxiety often results from poor bonding with the primary care giver as a child (attachment anxiety). It is also likely that psychological traits and genetic factors and environmental influences all play a part in anxiety.
Regardless of which theory one subscribes to, its important to note when persistent anxiety symptoms are not acknowledged and managed, then an anxiety disorder is more likely to occur.
Having strategies and techniques to help manage your anxiety is an important factor in whether the anxiety becomes a disorder or not. These strategies can include education, medication, exercise, yoga, meditation and psychotherapy.


How I treat Anxiety issues?

In the treatment of anxiety and anxiety disorders, I use a multi modality approach and attend to:

  • Beliefs: the beliefs people hold can cause anxiety in themselves , i.e. “I cant trust anyone”, or “ I must get that promotion or I’ll never be happy”. Understanding how our beliefs influence our behavior and our well being, and how they may be increasing pressure on oneself, can be an important aspect of anxiety management.
  • Family constellations; Anxiety is often passed down through the family. Often the anxiety within a family is transmitted from one generation to the next generation, and so on. Understanding what types of patterns one has unconsciously taken on from an anxious family can provide powerful insights into resolving and regulating anxiety. Through the process if the counseling relationship, such patterns begin to reach awareness and can then be changed.
  • Containment and regulation: the ways in which a person contains their own emotion and energy can be an important factor in anxiety. Often when one has not been adequately emotionally contained in their upbringing, they continue through life without an ability to contain themselves, which can be a painful cause of anxiety. It is useful for such a person to learn how to regulate and contain themselves more effectively through the course of counseling.
  • Blocking: people who have faced a difficult upbringing have often disowned aspects of themselves and certain feelings. Repressed and blocked feelings can create an enormous psychological pressure within a person, resulting in anxiety. Through the process of counseling, such aspects of one’s self are finally renowned, and become integrated back into the person, reducing ones inner conflict and anxiety.


How long is treatment?

As anxiety is unique in every instance, treatment types and durations will vary with every individual. For more information on your particular situation, please call Robbie on 9904 1333.