Can Chiropractic help a sprained ankle
/in Chiropractic /by AndrewCan Chiropractic help a sprained ankle?
A sprain is an injury to a ligament that involves that ligament being stretched beyond its normal range, often resulting in some degree of tearing. Chiropractic care can not directly help the ligament, but Chiropractic can improve the environment of the ligament and so assist in its healing indirectly. The force required to cause this type of injury will no doubt have jarred and impacted on the other structures at the ankle, namely the many bones and joints that make up the ankle and foot. The jarring to these joints will commonly affect the relationship of the bones to each other and so the integrity of the joints. This would upset the mechanics of the ankle and foot as a whole resulting in changes in mobility, impaired circulation and drainage and often pain. By improving the biomechanics of the foot and ankle using chiropractic techniques, these factors normalise which allows the the area to heal better and much faster.
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