Acupuncture in Pregnancy
Acupuncture is very useful in pregnancy, from alleviating exhaustion and morning sickness in the early weeks to bringing relief from back pain, haemorrhoids and indigestion later in pregnancy. It can even help a breech baby turn head down!
As you approach your due date (from about 35 weeks), we recommend a weekly program of “pre-birth” acupuncture to prepare for labour. Women who have this sort of acupuncture program are less likely to need interventions during labour than those who don’t.
Here are some of the pregnancy-related issues our Acupuncturists use Acupuncture to help with:
- Morning sickness
- Tiredness/exhaustion
- Anxiety
- Insomnia
- Swollen ankles and fingers
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Indigestion, acid reflux
- Pelvic pain
- Sciatica and low back pain
- Breech baby and other malpositions
- High blood pressure
- Induction of labour (in some circumstances)
Plus the benefits of Acupuncture extend to helping with recovery from labour, promoting the flow of breast milk and treating mastitis.
Chinese herbal medicine is also helpful during pregnancy, with several thousands of years of safe use in pregnant women
Our Acupuncturists are experienced in working with women at all stages of pregnancy and in the post-birth period. Health-fund rebates are available for Acupuncture treatments.