
More on Naturopathy

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What happens in a Naturopathic appointment?

An initial consultation takes an hour or so. Your Naturopath will take an extensive medical history and will ask many questions about your past and present health – physically, mentally and emotionally. Sometimes a physical examination will be required, and your Naturopath may take blood pressure and use diagnostic tools such as iridology, tongue and nail analysis to help get a complete picture of health. You may also be referred for allergy testing, blood, stool or salivary hormone tests.


What’s so good about Naturopathy?

Importantly, a reputable Naturopath will work with you to establish which particular health priorities need to be addressed, and to develop a treatment protocol that best suits your individual situation and requirements. Naturopaths also educate and empower their clients to make the necessary lifestyle changes to improve health.

Naturopathy treats the whole person, not just a single symptom, and the brilliant thing about this is that a client may come in to have one health problem treated, and as that problem is being treated, other health issues clear up at the same time! This is because Naturopathy addresses the cause, and this underlying problem may be affecting other systems of the body.

Naturopathy is a complementary medicine, rather than alternative medicine. In many cases, a Naturopath prefers to work with and in consultation with other health care providers including your GP, specialist and other health care practitioners to ensure the best long-term health solution.


Is Natural Medicine safe?

Generally speaking, nutritional supplements and herbal remedies are safe whilst being effective. They usually have less side effects than pharmaceutical medicines. However, herbs and nutrients do have potent actions, and so it is always best to see a naturopath, nutritionist or medical herbalist to ensure that the supplements you take are the most suitable for you and won’t interact with any other medicines you may be taking.


Stress can be a pain in the neck

Have you ever referred to something or someone in your life as a “pain in the neck”? You were probably more accurate than you realised. Any emotional stress (which can include rushing and being very busy) can result in the muscles across the top of your shoulders tensing up. Tense muscles will be uncomfortable. Then if this tension is prolonged, over a short time the muscles in surrounding areas including the neck muscles and between the shoulder blades will also become tight and painful.

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Another response to stress is commonly clenching of the jaw or grinding teeth at night. This results in muscle spasms around the jaw, which also will cause muscle tightness in the neck, and hence neck pain and stiffness.
Poor or prolonged work posture can cause neck pain also. Work is commonly related to stress, and this together with a sustained posture over the course of the day will result in tight muscles around the neck and shoulders, resulting in pain.
Chiropractic care can help in several ways. Chiropractors can help release the tight muscles, as well as give advise on stretching and posture and activities to help maintain good muscular balance.
More more information, please read on, or contact Martina, our principal Chiropractor.

How does chiropractic work?

Health In The Bay rainbowOur Musculoskeletal system (ie our muscles and skeleton) is what allows us to stand, be upright and move. Musculoskeletal symptoms are what we often feel as pain in muscles and joints, and as stiffness. Through everyday stress on our bodies, such as poor posture, sustained work postures, minor bumps and falls and strains, our musculoskeletal system can become unbalanced.
This means that the relationship between the muscle and skeleton is not ideal, and this system then does not work efficiently or ergonomically, resulting in these symptoms of pain and mucsle spasms.

Chiropractic is the art and science of determining where these imbalances lie, where they have originated and why they have occurred. Then with the use of simple techniques applied to the muscles or joints, the body is able to rebalance and so function more normally and therefore function without any pain or muscle tightness.