
Chiropractic and Bursitis

Chiro shoulder-bursitisBursitis is the inflammation of a bursa. A bursa is a fluid filled sac that is located in certain areas of the body that experiences rubbing or friction between two structures, usually between a tendon and bone, or muscle and bone. The bursa sits between these two structures and acts as a cushion to reduce any rubbing, friction or irritation.

Bursitis is commonly caused by injury or repetitive movement, with the most common areas affected being the shoulder, elbow, ankle, knee and hips. Common advice given by Doctors and Physios is rest and ice together with painkillers and anti-inflammatories.

Some people don’t realise that Chiropractic can also be a very effective treatment option. A bursa becomes inflamed because there is excessive rubbing of the tendon over the bursa. It is considered excessive because either it is happening more frequently (such as increasing the amount or intensity of running you do) or because there is more friction because the muscle and tendon is tighter or less elastic and therefore rubs harder over the bursa. So certainly it may be necessary to reduce the amount of training, but if it is due to a tightness of the tendon, then by improving biomechanics and the balance of the muscles and tendons across the joint will help reduce the bursitis. This is exactly what Chiropractic does. By balancing the body it improves and normalises biomechanics which results in releasing the muscle. When the muscle is released it reduces the tension on the tendon and so reduces the friction on the bursa. This will improve the bursitis, and also the chance of it returning when you return to training.

Stress and your body, part 3.

stress ballAfter having read Parts 1 and 2, you will now have a much better understanding of how your body can change when it is dealing with stress, and how these changes present themselves as symptoms. Having just gotten through the end of a year, christmas, and possibly sending your children back at school, you may very well have experienced first hand some of these manifestations of stress.

In this article I will explain how treatment can help. It is helpful to address the symptoms to make you feel better and more comfortable, but it is also very important to address the the cause ie the stress itself, and hence reduce your body’s’ reaction to it. Symptomatically we can change the pain and muscle tightness that occurs in the neck and shoulders by correcting any misalignment and jamming up in the vertebrae of the neck and upper back. By treating the spine at these areas we are improving movement of the spine and stimulating the nerves to flow freely and thereby stimulate the muscles to relax and work more freely.

The diaphragm can also be treated by a very gentle release that helps it relax, which then allow the ribs to release. Sometimes the spine at the level of the diaphragm may need an adjustment to help it release, and possibly some work needs to be done on the muscles between the ribs. This results in reduction in tightness and restrictions in movement, and allows improved breathing.

The jaw is another issue. When it tightens it can potentially tighten many areas of the skull, which can become very uncomfortable. The jaw can be released directly by working on the muscles and with gentle pressure to the jaw joints. Often it is necessary to look at the whole skull. With that we test for any jamming of the areas of the skull where the many bones that make up the skull join each other. This treatment is gentle and even relaxing , and has great results in reducing tightness and any headaches associated with it.

These are all ways to reduce any symptoms, but it is also important to address the degree to which your body reacts to stress. As seen in previous articles your body will react to stress, there is no changing that. But you may notice that your body will react in differing degrees with different stresses. Sometimes even to the point where you think it is excessive, or an over-reaction. The degree to which your body reacts is different for every person and is influenced by your past experiences and emotions. If we have had a bad experience in the past we will often be more sensitive to something similar happening, this is due to a learned response, or what can be called body memory.

There are two ways that we can look at these reactions. One is using the technique of Neurolink, the other is a techniques called Neuro Emotional Technique (NET). If you have been coping with stress for a while, it may be difficult for your body to come out of that response once the stress has stopped. Neurolink is a technique that resets your body and Nervous System. Just like a computer that has crashed when it has been overloaded with tasks and needs to be rebooted, our Nervous System is similar and Neurolink can ‘reboot’ your system.

NET is a technique that works on a deeper level to find out why we are reacting strongly to something, and what experiences in your past have led to this strong reaction. It also resolves and releases the memory of these past experiences that is being held in your body. This helps reduce any reaction of fear or anger or sadness, for example, that your body may currently be exhibiting.


Stress and your body, part 1.

stress ballStress is a term commonly used everyday, it is usually considered a negative concept that has some impact on one’s mental or physical wellbeing, but it can be either the cause or the effect.

In nature most processes strive to maintain equilibrium, a steady state of balance, this includes our body on a physical level (our bones and muscles) as well as a physiological level (our organ systems). Environmental factors, internal or external stimuli, continually disrupt this balance, and these factors can be interpreted as stress.

As a chiropractor I am constantly dealing with and correcting the effects of physical stress. These physical stresses include falls and bumps, lifting or carrying heavy loads, prolonged periods of time in poor chairs, unsupportive mattresses or bad shoes, sustained posture, repetitive work or changes in our body for which it must compensate such as pregnancy or a broken bone in the foot, or knee surgery. On a physical level it is often clear to see how these stresses impact us and our wellbeing.

What is not always easy to see is how Emotional stresses impact our body and our wellbeing. I estimate that close to 75% of problems I see in clinic are due either directly or indirectly to emotional stress, but when I say that, people often can’t understand how emotional stress can affect us physically. It can be easier to understand when you consider situations of extreme stress, such as if your life were in danger.

In such a situation you would be feeling alot of emotions such as fear and panic, but your body would also be reacting, in a way that is known as a fight or flight reaction. This means that your body is getting prepared to fight or to flee. There are several things that happen but probably the most obvious sign would be that your heart would begin racing, this would result in you sweating, your body will produce adrenaline,which would make you feel buzzy or nervy. Your pupils will dilate, your blood will be directed to areas of your body that are important for fighting or fleeing (such as your muscles, your lungs and your brain) and away from areas that are not needed for the moment (such as your digestive organs). So you can see that emotions go hand in hand with physical changes.

Thankfully, it is not that common for us to be in a situation that is life threatening, but our modern lifestyles do entail alot of stress, and our bodies are constantly reacting to this stress in many ways, at a low level. These reactions will impact on our bodies in a physical way. Stress and your Body Part 2 will detail signs and symptoms your body may show in response to common low level daily stresses.


What to Expect from a Chiropractic Consultation

Health In The Bay Chiro ImageWhat to Expect from a Chiropractic Consultation

Chiropractic treatments focus on restoring alignment and function to the musculoskeletal system. A chiropractor uses massage, manipulation and other techniques to provide relief from pain, improve function and restore balance to the joints and nerves.

Chiropractic Looks at Whole Lifestyle

Your chiropractor will take is a detailed medical history, including details of any specific problems. They will ask about prior health conditions, exercise, diet and lifestyle and may recommend an x-ray or other tests.


Chiropractic Observes Function

They will then conduct a manual examination using palpation and observation. They will assess the range of motion and function in different areas of the spine, pelvis and body. They may ask you stand, walk or balance. They may assess:

  • Cranial nerves
  • Reflexes
  • Muscles strength
  • Balance
  • Co-ordination
  • Bilateral weight scale measurement
  • Flexibility
  • Sensation

Undergoing Chiropractic Treatment

Treatment usually involves some massage and gentle adjustment or manipulation of the spine or other areas that aren’t functioning properly. He or she may also use heat or ice and acupuncture. The treatment will be designed specifically for your symptoms. You may experience initial soreness after a treatment or find it brings immediate relief to your symptoms. You can also expect advice about posture, exercise and lifestyle.
Chiropractor Treatment Plan

Your chiropractor will devise a treatment plan, usually outlining short-term goals – generally aimed at relieving pain and limitations – and long-term goals that focus on maintaining good musculoskeletal function.

A visit to the chiropractic should bring about relief from symptoms and arm you with a plan to enhance your overall health and well-being.




This article was reproduced with permission from Natural Therapy Pages – Australia’s most visited natural health site.


Neurolink is a system of balancing the body and the physiological functioning of all its systems. The body is an amazing being that can repair and heal itself very efficiently. Sometimes due to various stressors it may not work at its optimum.
Health In The Bay breakfastNeurolink uses muscle testing to determine where there are areas of the physiology that aren’t working as ideally as it could be, and then utilises feedback to the brain about these imbalances to stimulates the brain and body to make corrections in these areas. In this way it stimulates and promotes healing and normal functioning of the body.
It can be used as a treatment all on its own, or to complement and assist other treatments and adjustments. It can address imbalances in digestion, hormones, immunity, sleep patterns and moods. It also addresses how well organs, brain centers and the nervous system are functioning, and how effective our immune response is to virus, bacteria and fungus. It results to strengthen our body to stressors including emotional chemical and physical stress and allows your body to cope better with these stressors.