
Why is sore spot not necessarily the problem?

massage pointWhen it comes to muscles, there are two main reasons that pain or tension is caused by another area of the body; feedback issues from nerve compression or satellite referral via active trigger points.


If you have tension within your joints (hips, shoulders ect..) or areas with complex small muscle mass (neck), it is likely that you have some form of feedback issue in your extremities. Feedback refers to the nerve signal returning from your extremities to your brain, not the signal from your brain to your extremities. If nerves are compressed along the pathway back to the brain, the brain senses that there is a problem in the extremity due the nerve disruption. In actual fact, the extremity may be fine, however, due to the brain believing that there is damage of some form, the area is ordered to guard itself by tightening the muscles in the area. Short term this is not problematic, however, over a prolonged period of time this excessive tension results in muscular issues in the extremity (pain or weakness).

In treating this condition, it is not uncommon for a therapist to treat the local area of pain or tension, which does provide relief, however, if the compression causing feedback issue is still present the pain or tension will return fairly promptly.

Treatment for issues relating to extremities should always be treated from the point of referral outward, treating the catalyst before the presenting problem area.

Satellite Referral

Satellite referral is an effect caused by active trigger points in a muscle. Every trigger point has a specific referral pattern; however, at times this can change and puzzle therapists and practitioners, often resulting in poor diagnosis.

When a trigger point is active and referring for a long period of time, or the problem is more compound, due to injury etc.. the referred pattern from trigger point A will activate trigger points that fall within the initial referred pattern of point A and add their own referral range to the initial trigger point B referral, thus creating a domino effect.

Treating referral pain requires good knowledge of myofacial referral patterns in the body, muscular groups and connective tissues. Trigger point therapy and sports massage excel in treating this condition, so if this sounds familiar to you, then this is another option which you may not have considered.

Naturopathy and Fertility

Naturopathic FertilityUnfortunately, couples are having more and more trouble conceiving in this modern age.  Once upon a time most of the blame lay with the woman, however it is currently believed that 40% rest with the male, 40% rests with the female, 10% is with both and 10% is unknown.

Common causes for infertility;

  • Medication
  • Subnormal semen analysis results
  • Infection
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Stress
  • Cigarettes, alcohol and recreational drugs
  • Toxicity
  • Aging
  • Thyroid abnormalities
  • PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids
  • Obesity and low BMI


How can Naturopathy help with fertility?

Your naturopath will take a very thorough case history as well as review any medical tests that you have, so please bring these all with you. We will then suggest dietary and lifestyle changes, as well as necessary medicinal herbs and nutritional supplements. Ideally, it is beneficial to be on a 3 month pre conception plan, as this will give your bodies the best chance for conception and prevention of miscarriage.


Can I use natural therapies in conjunction with IVF?

Yes naturopathy can be very complementary to IVF and works well with couples who are taking this route due to medical reasons.


Can a Naturopath help with both male and female infertility?

Yes we can help both male and female infertility. It is very important that the male’s health is considered and addressed, as 50% DNA will come from the male.


Interesting facts about fertility.

A woman ovulates only 12-24 hours of her monthly cycle, the window of opportunity is small, however luckily the sperm are persistent and can survive 4-5 days

A woman’s basal temperature will rise the day after ovulation due to a spike in progesterone levels, this will stay high until menstruation where progesterone levels drop off, or stay high if implantation is successful and progesterone levels continue to rise

Approximately 200-500 million sperm cells are released during ejaculation, most of these die immediately, and the remainder make their difficult journey to the newly released egg. At this point there are roughly 200 sperm remaining

Benefits of Trigger Point Therapy

trigger-point-therapyTrigger Point Therapy focuses on relieving referred pain or sensation (pain, tenderness, pins and needles, numbness and burning). A trigger point is a point of bound / taught fibres in a muscle, often referred to as muscle knots, a point of heightened tenderness or sensitivity, which prevents full usage of a particular muscle. Active trigger points have predictable referral patterns, some causing pain locally to the effected trigger point, others referring to other regions of the body. Due to this referral, a domino effect in terms of pain or injury can occur if trigger points are left untreated; this meaning an area previously unaffected by referred sensation may become affected.


From a patients perspective.

Trigger Point Therapy is a compression of the point of tenderness, which temporarily heightens the sensation already experienced due to additional pressure being applied to the area. The pressure must be held and maintained in order to obtain a release; in terms of sensation, it feels as though the practitioner holding the point is slowly releasing pressure, in actual fact the point is releasing / relaxing, which gives a sensation of relief as muscle function is improved and referred sensation is reduced.


Trigger Point Therapy with Massage.

Massaging an area with active trigger points can be painful; however, when massage and trigger point therapy is combined a practitioner can release muscles far more effectively. Remedial massage greatly increases blood flow to muscles, while trigger point therapy releases regions within muscles with restricted blood flow, thus providing nutrients to depleted muscle fibres in a more effective fashion. Active trigger points create a local twitch response (often confused with a muscle spasm); if a trigger point is left active after massage it won’t be long before it becomes tight and sore again due this twitch response, as the muscle is over engaging. Releasing trigger points allows for far greater fibre release with slow / stretching massage, which increases range of movement and encourages capillary growth, resulting in healthier muscle fibres.

In terms of performance: Clients who I have treated with trigger point therapy gain longer periods of relief and suffer less issues with their lymphatic system in terms of acid and other waste build up in their muscles; this meaning greater endurance and performance. If you enjoy sport and like massage, this is definitely something to consider within your fortnightly to monthly massage. Note: Trigger points take time to release, so treatment should be focused on a specific area of the body, not all over, to get the best results.

Chiropractic: Myths and misconceptions.

Chiro-Myths-RealityLike all modern healthcare, Chiropractic techniques are constantly changing with the times. Just as your GP no longer applies leeches to you, Chiropractors have updates their techniques for improved results and experiences. Here are some common myths debunked…


Once I see a Chiropractor I will have to keep going back.

Our aim is to help you get rid of your symptoms and also keep them away. We give recommendations as to what would be the best course of treatments to achieve both goals.

It may occur that after a few visits you feel improved but are asked to come back for a follow up treatment, this is because the pain or discomfort is one of the last signs or symptoms to come on and the first to disappear. These signs may have disappeared but the imbalance that caused the problem and hence the pain, may still be there to some degree. If this imbalance that is left over is not corrected it can progress again, and the symptoms will return. At Health In The Bay we incorporate different techniques that have been found to be effective in changing your body out of old patterns, which allows the body to become stable and hence need less treatments overall.

We may also recommend that you return for maintenance. It is a good idea to have occasional maintenance treatments as this helps correct any problems before they become symptomatic, and the earlier they are addressed they quicker they resolve.


Adjustments hurt.

Chiropractic adjustments generally don’t hurt. When having a manual adjustment you may hear a crack, which may be surprising if you haven’t experienced it before. This is not bone rubbing against bone or anything similar, it is just the fluid that naturally sits inside the joint, releasing a gas due to the change in pressure. Using the tool called an Activator is even more gentle. It is a tool that gives a small push to the joint in a specific direction, but no crack is heard. The adjustments themselves don’t hurt, but often you have come to see the chiropractor because of some pain you are experiencing, and as chiropractic is a hands on technique, the chiropractor will be working at the area of pain and hence it may be tender.


Chiropractic adjustments are dangerous.

Chiropractors study at University a minimum of 5 years which includes in-depth study of the anatomy and neurology of the whole body as well as adjusting techniques. With this knowledge any risk is minimised. There is a very small risk with manual neck adjustments, but this is only in those already predisposed to circulation problems. By taking a thorough history we can ascertain if there is some risk, and adapt the treatment accordingly. We also conduct screen tests prior to adjusting, if this indicates a potential risk we will not perform the adjustment. If we are happy there is no risk, but you are still not comfortable with the idea of being adjusted manually we can use a different method that does not involve cracking.

There is also a risk of mild soreness after a treatment, which is due to the body changing and adjusting. This is usually only with the first treatment as the body is getting used to these changes, and would only last one to two days.


Chiropractors only treat the spine.

Chiropractors study the anatomy and adjustment techniques of the whole body. It is true that the majority of what we treat is the spine, but that is not all we treat. We commonly treat other non-spinal joints, which can be symptomatic due to their relationship with the spine, or due to injuries. Common problems treated include RSI of the wrist, shoulder pain or stiffness, sprained ankles, or wrists, shin splints, generalised knee pain (often noticed when walking up and down stairs) unexplained knee swelling, dropped arches of the feet, plantar fasciitis, and more.